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Education Law


Graphic courtesy of
Just Schools California

Resource List by Stefan Rosenzweig, Scholar in Residence, Center for Language Minority Education and Research.
Language Rights
High Stakes Testing
Gender Issues
No Child Left Behind
Students With Disabilities
Migrant Education
Homeless Student Education
School Reform
School Discipline
Immigrant Issues
Charter Schools
Runaway Teens
"I am speaking out about this because I was an educator for twenty years before I became a Senator. I speak out because as a Senator, I have been in a school almost every two weeks for the past ten years and I have seen, as you have, the inequality so many children confront. I also have seen how much difference a good system, a good school and a good teacher can make for a child.

"That all citizens will be given an equal start through a sound education is one of the most basic, promised rights of our democracy. Our chronic refusal as a nation to guarantee that right for all children, including poor children, is a national disgrace. We cannot be so blind that we do not see that meeting the most basic needs of so many of our children condemns them to lives and futures of frustration, chronic underachievement, poverty and violence.

"But, in the end, this is a spiritual issue for me. We must invest in the skills and intellect and character of our children, not because we know that if we do, they will be more likely to graduate from high school and less likely to be involved in crime, although that is true. We must invest in children not because they will be more likely to go on to college and to lead more productive lives, although that is also true. We should invest in the skills and intellect and character of our children because they are all under four feet tall, they are all beautiful and we should be nice to them."

 Senator Paul Wellstone (1944-2002)